Craftsy Pattern Design Awards WINNER!

Entrelac Scarf by Allison LoCicero

To everyone who voted in the Craftsy Pattern Design Awards, THANK YOU!

My Entrelac Scarf pattern was chosen as the WINNER of the 2014 Craftsy Pattern Design Award for Knitting! To have one of my patterns rise to the top out of over 98,000 (!!!) knitting patterns on Craftsy is both thrilling and humbling, to say the least!

But now is not the time to rest on my laurels! There is work to do! I’ve got more patterns in the pipeline! And I have more exciting things to tell you about later this week! So stay tuned! Things are about to get REALLY fun!

5 thoughts on “Craftsy Pattern Design Awards WINNER!

  1. Congratulations! It’s a beautiful design (says the woman who’d like to make everything from Noro SIlk Garden). I bet it would look fabulous in a self-striping handspun, too.

  2. It took me 40 some years to get up the nerve to try entrelac. This scarf pattern intrigued me and some help from YouTube and some frogging and I learned and found out how easy entrelac is — really!

    Love it – and I used Kudos by Plymouth, which I think is on the gift winner!!

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